Внедряване на иновативен продукт
24.01.2017„Армар Корпорейшан Дженерал Техникал Ко-оперейшан“ ООД подписа договор за предоставяне на безвъзмездна финансова помощ с Министерство на икономиката
Armblast 2 TB presented at Eurosatory 2016
23.08.2016Presentation of the latest addition to the Armblast rocket launchers range
Armar's 100mm cartidge cases acceptance tests
09.04.2014Dynamic firings at DGA site in Bourges, France
Armblast weapon systems Family presented at Eurosatory 2012
24.09.2012The newly developed weapon systems Family ARMBLAST has been showcased internationally at Eurosatory 2012