R&D Projects

New products design and development is a crucial factor in Armar Corp. GTC activities. 


The R&D Department englobes a specialized unit within the firm,  as well as multiple outside resources such as scientific centers and laboratories, universities and state agencies. 


With several accomplished R&D Projects in its portfolio, Armar Corp. GTC continues its future-oriented, longer-term activities in the field of new products implementation and global commercialisation.


The comprehensive project management solutions enables our Department to manage schedules, resources, assigned materials, costs, and budgets. The result is efficient management of projects, which provides significant value potential.



When a new development is started, triggered by an internal management decision or external market research, time to market becomes the crucial success factor. A comprehensive and flexible project management approach is needed to optimize the use of resources and achieve the target results and quality.




Armar Corp. GTC has been in business for quite some time and thus a lot of experience has been accumulated in its project databases. This experience is fed into templates for different kinds of development projects. The templates database ensures the re-use of existing knowledge, as well as fast project set up.